Hedy tossing her muffins! (credit Michael Pissari)
Executive pastry chef Hedy Goldsmith is enroute to the New York City Wine & Food Festival right now, and I too am in the airport about to board a flight to Denver via Dallas for the Great American Beer Festival on behalf of our new beer, Michael?s Genuine Home Brew, but a quick heads up on next week when we will both be in the Cayman Islands to launch her new cookbook in Grand Cayman with the following three events. Menus to come! In the meantime, follow #NYCWFF and #GABF for feeds of the latest at or respective events.
? Friday, 10/19 (6-8:00 p.m.) Baking the Book with Hedy Goldsmith at Bon Vivant ~ Camana Bay Students work with Hedy to bake (and eat!) treats from the cookbook like Popcorn + Peanut Bark and Banana Toffee Panini. Enjoy CI$50 with signed copies of BAKING OUT LOUD available for sale on-site. To reserve a spot, contact Bon Vivant at info@bonvivant.ky or 345.623.2665.
? Saturday, 10/20 (2-3:30 p.m.) Books & Books BAKING OUT LOUD Signing & Q&A ~ Camana Bay Join Hedy for treats and a talk about her new cookbook, moderated by local food journalist Alan Markoff of the Caymanian Compass. The new author will be available to sign books and share tastes of a few favorite recipes with guests.
? Saturday, 10/20 (7:00 p.m.) October?s Farm-to-Table Dinner at Michael?s Genuine Food & Drink with Baking Out Loud ~ Camana Bay Join Michael?s Genuine and Slow Food South Sound for the next in their monthly family-style dinners in honour of local farmers and this time, with a special emphasis on dessert! Enjoy a four-course dinner featuring local ingredients and dessert that?s a sweet and salty slice of the recipes inside Baking Out Loud. CI$50 per person (CI$45 for Slow Food Members,) CI $75 including a signed copy of the cookbook, and CI$40 per person for beverage pairings. For reservations contact 345.640.6433 or reservationsgcm@michaelsgenuine.com.
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Source: http://thegenuinekitchen.com/2012/10/11/hedy-is-bakingoutloud-in-grand-cayman/
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